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Eczema: Reducing the itch

Overview and Symptoms:

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a type of skin rash characterized by itchiness, redness, and scaliness. Eczema may be accompanied by oozing blisters surrounded by red or discoloured areas from frequent scratching. It most commonly appears on the knees, elbows, cheeks, and extremities, though it can be seen on other parts of the body as well. Food allergies are among several triggers that can cause or worsen eczema in susceptible people.

Associated Conditions and Risk Factors:

Eczema is associated with a variety of allergic conditions. Among them are asthma, respiratory allergies, and allergic rhinitis. Eczema has a genetic component; children born into families with a history of asthma, hay fever, eczema, or other allergic disorders are more likely to develop eczema.

Eczema and Food Allergies:

About one-third of eczema patients respond to food triggers. Eczema can make allergy testing difficult. It can make skin testing almost impossible. (In these cases, RAST tests may be useful). Food allergens can sometimes cause eczema to worsen or "flare up." In people with eczema and food allergies, strictly avoiding food allergens may help reduce or, occasionally, eliminate symptoms.

Common Food Triggers for Eczema:

The most common food triggers for eczema are eggs, milk, peanuts, soy, and wheat. Because of the high number of eczema patients who have food allergies, studies recommend that food allergy screening be a part of testing anyone newly diagnosed with eczema, especially children.

In my opinion I would choose one food to eliminate first – DAIRY. I would advise completely removing ALL dairy products for 3-6 weeks. If you see no reduction in eczema after 3-4 weeks after completely removing dairy I would also discontinue other top food allergens such as soy, nuts, wheat/gluten, and eggs

It is necessary to remove these allergens for a period of time as casomorphines(milk allergens in the body) can remain for up to 9 weeks. Glialmorphines (gluten) can take up to 9 months but reduction of eczema is usually seen in 6 weeks.

Please consider including the following

- Organic bone broth

- Probiotic

- Fish oil

- Zinc

- Liver support

- gut healing

-oat soaks


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